Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Novitiate Programme at Mahindarama Buddhist Temple & Pindapata
Steven Saw Chong Kang (Sis. Rita's husband),
Benny Ooi Chong Bian (Sis. Hoon Leng's husband),
Christopher Chua Lye Aun (MSPS School Assembly Team),
Michael Lim Cheong Yang (Student Body Chairman),
Goh Vern Lim (MSPS Student and our Vesak Concert singer).
We would like to take this opportunity to say SADHU SADHU SADHU to all on this noble step.
The programme will be led by Bhante Dhammapala, a Malaysian origin from Kuching, Sarawak who after being ordained as a bhikkhu, went to Sri Lanka for further studies and completed his bachelor and Masters degree at the Kelaniya University, Sri Lanka. Bhante completed his PhD in June this year at the Hong Kong University. He is the founder and the administrator of http://www.buddhistdoor.com/ website and also the Religious Advisor of Wang Fat Ching She in Hong Kong.
In conjunction with the Novitiate Programme, a Pindapata will be held at Mahindarama Buddhist Temple on 29 Nov at 9:00 am.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Dhamma Sermons

Bhante W. Seelawansa Thero is a graduate in Buddhist Philosophy from the Kelaniya University, Sri Lanka. He had been a senior lecturer in Buddhist Philosophy at the Buddhist and Pali University, Sri Lanka.
Bhante has been a Buddhist monk in Sri Lanka and has been acclaimed as a Buddhist scholar in the academic world with many English and Singhala publications to his credit.
Bhante has experience in Buddhist propogation activities in many Asian countries as a visiting lecturer on Buddhist Philosophy and has also spent a considerable amount of time in Australia on missionary work.
Dhamma Sermons by Bhante W. Seelawansa Thero held at Mahindarama Buddhist Temple, can be downloaded at the following link :
12 May Alagaddupama Sutta - The Snake Simile
13 May Dvedhavitakka Sutta – Two kinds of Thoughts
14 May (Thu) Mahahithipadopama Sutta – The great discourse on the
Elephant Footprint Simile
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Dhamma Sermons
Bhante Soorakkulame Pemaratana Thero

Speaker’s Profile
Bhante S. Pemaratana is a Buddhist monk from Sri Lanka. He was ordained at the age of 10 in 1986 and received higher ordination in 1997.
He was trained under the tutelage of the most Ven. Attangane Sasanaratana Maha Thero at Sripathi Pirivena, Diyakalamulla, Kuliyapitiya, Sri Lanka. He holds a Bachelor’s degree with first class honors in Buddhist Studies from University of Peradeniya and a Master's degree in Philosophy from the National University of Singapore.
He served as a lecturer in the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and Buddhist and Pali College of Singapore. Currently he is the resident teacher at the Pittsburgh Buddhist Center, USA.
Dhamma Sermons by Bhante S Pemaratana held at Mahindarama Buddhist Temple can be downloaded at this link :
9 June 2009 Cultivating the Power of Mind
10 June 2009 Levels of Happiness
11 June 2009 Creating Happiness at Work
Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat
The retreat application form is now available at Mahindarama Buddhist Temple's office. Temple office opening hours are from 9am - 5pm daily except Sat till 1pm and closed on Wednesday.
Response is expected to be overwhelming. Closing date for submitting the duly completed and signed registration form is on 30 October, 2009.
WACANA 2009 - “Educating Tomorrow’s Leaders Today”
This year, Nalanda Institute and the Buddhist Maha Vihara will again jointly organize WACANA 2009, the Annual Buddhist Convention to further discuss pertinent issues affecting the Buddha-Sasana. The Buddhist sangha and laity will discuss various issues centred upon Dhamma propagation in :
Annual Buddhist Convention
“Dhammaduta – Uniting Our Vision, Engaging Our Community”
13 December 2009 . Sunday . 9am – 5pm
Srivijaya Seminar Hall . Level 3 . Nalanda Centre
Sri Serdang . Selangor Darul Ehsan
WACANA 2009 is targeted at Buddhist community leaders, educationists, Dharma propagators, Dharma School teachers and members of the public with interests in this particular field. Participation is by invitation only.
If you are interested in the field of Dhammaduta and would like to participate in WACANA 2009, please submit your application by writing to the Secretariat before 14 November 2009 to obtain invitation to the Convention.
The write-up should include your :
1. name
2. contact numbers
3. correspondence address
4. involvement in Buddhist activities
5. your designation in the Buddhist establishment.
Participation in WACANA 2009 is limited to 100 participants only.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Upcoming Events (updated 09 Sept 2009)
7-July - Vassa commenced on this day. Chanting will be held at night. All are welcome.
Past Events
Aug 29 & 30 Aug - National Drama Contest in KL (PIC : Sis Siew See) The drama is based on a Jataka Story. The team led by Sis Siew See came back with the 3rd PRIZE. Congratulations!!!! Thanks to all who have assisted Bro Michael, Sis Lilin Tan, Bro Hsien Ming, Sis Amy, etc.
31-Aug - MBES - Malaysian Buddhist Examination at 2:00 pm (Chief Invigilator : Sis Yeap Siew Har) 200 plus candidates inclusive of MSPS students, Students from MSPS Parental Class, MSPS Trainee Teachers, MSPS Staff andPFS Buddhist Society students were at MSPS on 31 Aug at 1:30 pm for a blessing by the resident monk for calming and giving confidence before commencement of the National Buddhist Exam. The participants were then assigned to respective exam venues, Wisma Mahinda hall, Level 3, 4 and 5 classrooms.
Upcoming Events
Sep 12 - 50 YEARS ANNIVERSARY DINNER for MSPS at Chew Kongsi, 33, Kimberley Street, Penang. 8 course dinner. Amplifier setup - Leonard and team, Performances for the night : Mano and the Gee Bees as well as Leonard Tan and team Treasurer – Michael Lim
Auditor : Alice Jim Slide presentation - Hsien Ming & Kwei On, F & B - Chin Nee, Ticketing Head - Chin Nee, Chin Chin, Michael Lucky Draw - Rita Teoh, Reception - Hoon Leng, Chin Chin Backdrop & Ticket Design - Kwei On, Games - Benny Ooi & Chou Fong. Currently 38 tables confirmed. Total LUCKY DRAW PRIZES TO-DATE : 82, TABLE DRAW PRIZE : 15, Programme for the night includes down memory lane picture slides and videos, interactive games, cutting of cake, toast, lucky draws, table draws, recognition and surprise events.
13-Sep - Prize Giving Day (PIC : Loo Leong Kee) Prizes will be given to students from each class for Dhamma Excellence, Teamwork, Best Attendance.
Feedback Interviews for MSPS Staff Classes : Kindy 1, Kindy 2, both Sessions 1 & 2. For detail schedule, please refer to white board at MSPS office. (PIC : Joanne & Pei Chen)
20-Sep - Chanting Competition (PIC : Bro Yong Cheng)
Feedback Interviews for MSPS Staff Classes : Level 1, Level 2 both Sessions 1 & 2. For detail schedule, please refer to white board at MSPS office. (PIC : Joanne & Pei Chen)
27-Sep - Trainee Teachers will sit-in classes (PIC : Joanne & Pei Chen)
Student feedback (PIC : Chin Nee)
04-Oct – Kathina at MBT Feedback
Interviews for MSPS Staff Classes : Level 3, Level 4, 5, 6, Senior, Admin Team, Trg Team, CPR Team, School Assembly Team both Sessions 1 & 2. For detail schedule, please refer to white board at MSPS office. (PIC : Joanne & Pei Chen)
11-Oct - Trainee Teachers will continue to sit-in classes (PIC : Joanne)
Interviews for Trainee Teachers for placement into MSPS organisation (PIC : Surya)
Student Feedback (PIC : Chin Nee)
18-Oct - Trainee Teachers deliver mock classes (PIC : Joanne)
TBD - Kindy Sports Event (PIC : Sis Lee Peck Yong, Mentor : Sis Lilian Sung)
Friday, August 28, 2009
Upcoming Events (updated 29 Aug 2009)
7-July - Vassa commenced on this day. Chanting will be held at night. All are welcome.
Upcoming Events
29 & 30 Aug - National Drama Contest in KL (PIC : Sis Siew See) The team assisted by Michael and Hsien Ming will be on the way to Kajang on Aug 29 from Mahindarama at 6:00 am and will perform in a school and stay at a temple. The competition will be held on Saturday evening. A lot of hardwork work has been put by the lead Siew See and the participants. The drama is based on a Jataka Story. I will spare the details as we would like to invite the group to present for US!!!! Anyway, they will have breakfast on Sunday morning at Kajang before returning to Penang. We wish them a safe journey and a great learning experience!!! This is another of our projects to send our team to share the Dhamma in a creative way to the Buddhist community in the Klang Valley area. To all who have helped in the various ways for this project, may you be blessed with good health and peace.
31-Aug - MBES - Malaysian Buddhist Examination at 2:00 pm (Chief Invigilator : Sis Yeap Siew Har) Please contact Siew Har if you would like to volunteer your services as an Invigilator or assist to setup the hall on 30 Aug Sunday.
Sep 12 - 50 YEARS ANNIVERSARY DINNER for MSPS at Chew Kongsi, 33, Kimberley Street, Penang. 8 course dinner. Please reserve your table early.
Tickets : RM30 per person.
MSPS students who are studying full time in schools, colleges or universities,
subsidised rate for your tickets at RM20 per person. MSPS student verification
guideline would be the MSPS attendance list.
Amplifier setup - Leonard and team,
Performances for the night : Mano and the Gee Bees as well as Leonard Tan and team
Treasurer – Michael Lim
Slide presentation - Hsien Ming and team,
Ticketing Head - Chin Nee, Chin Chin
Lucky Draw - Rita Teoh
Reception - Hoon Leng, Chin Chin
Backdrop & Ticket Design - Kwei On.
Currently 32 tables confirmed.
All are welcome for a fellowship and reunion of MBT functional groups, various
generations of MSPS . So far we have some confirmed members from KL taking up several tables.
So if you know of any senior members from the various generations, please contact
them and get tickets for them ASAP.
13-Sep - Prize Giving Day (PIC : Loo Leong Kee) Prizes will be given to students from each class for Dhamma Excellence, Teamwork, Best Attendance. Feedback Interviews for MSPS Staff Classes : Kindy 1, Kindy 2, both Sessions 1 & 2. For detail schedule, please refer to white board at MSPS office. (PIC : Joanne & Pei Chen)
20-Sep - Chanting Competition (PIC : Bro Yong Cheng) Feedback Interviews for MSPS Staff Classes : Level 1, Level 2 both Sessions 1 & 2. For detail schedule, please refer to white board at MSPS office. (PIC : Joanne & Pei Chen)
27-Sep - Trainee Teachers will sit-in classes (PIC : Joanne & Pei Chen) Student feedback (PIC : Chin Nee)
04-Oct – Kathina at MBT
Feedback Interviews for MSPS Staff Classes : Level 3, Level 4, 5, 6, Senior, Admin Team, Trg Team, CPR Team, School Assembly Team both Sessions 1 & 2. For detail schedule, please refer to white board at MSPS office. (PIC : Joanne & Pei Chen)
11-Oct - Trainee Teachers will continue to sit-in classes (PIC : Joanne)
Interviews for Trainee Teachers for placement into MSPS organisation (PIC : Surya)
Student Feedback (PIC : Chin Nee)
18-Oct - Trainee Teachers deliver mock classes (PIC : Joanne)
TBD - Kindy Sports Event (PIC : Sis Lee Peck Yong, Mentor : Sis Lilian Sung)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Upcoming Events
Aug 09 Aug (Sun) - Visit by Bodhi Lankaram Sunday Dhamma School, Taiping with their resident monk, Anandajoti Bhikkhu. Thank you to Sis Pei Chen and CPR team along with support from AMATA PIC, Library PIC, Help Desk PIC, Kitchen Team. The guests arrival had a slight delay and so they only arrived at about 10:15 am due to the bus having a flat tyre. Nevertheless, all went well and they had a guided tour of MBT – Amata, Bodhi Tree Pakara, 24-Buddhas, Sima Hall, Library, Sarana, sit in by 4 of their teachers to observe teaching practices and finally attended the Lunch Dana and vegetarian lunch was served. In conclusion there was an exchange of gifts between the 2 organisations in the presence of our Chief Monk – Rev. Indaratana Maha Thera and their resident monk, Anandajoti Bhikkhu.
OnGoing Event
7-July - Vassa commenced on this day. Chanting will be held at night. All are welcome.
Upcoming Events
23 Aug (Sun) - MSPS Holiday however Parental Class will still continue due to special request by both sessions and merged into single session for the day.
29 & 30 Aug - National Drama Contest in KL (PIC : Sis Siew See) Anyone interested to join as helper, supporters, etc, please contact Michael Lim cydaniellim@yahoo.com or Hsien Ming to reserve early.
31-Aug - MBES - Malaysian Buddhist Examination at 2:00 pm (Chief Invigilator : Sis Yeap Siew Har) Please contact Siew Har if you would like to volunteer your services as an Invigilator. MBES logistics etc will be managed by Leadership Training Project Team A.
Sep 12 - 50 YEARS ANNIVERSARY DINNER for MSPS at Chew Kongsi, 33, Kimberley Street, Penang. 8 course dinner. Please reserve your table early. Tickets will be made available at RM30 per person. For MSPS students who are studying full time in schools, colleges or universities, we will provide a subsidised rate for your tickets at RM20 per person. MSPS student verification guideline would be the MSPS attendance list.
Amplifier setup - Leonard and team,
Treasurer – Michael Lim
Slide presentation - Hsien Ming and team,
Ticketing Head - Chin Nee & Hoon Leng, Chin Chin
Lucky Draw - Rita Teoh
Reception - TBD
Backdrop & Ticket Design - Kwei On.
Currently 8 tables confirmed. Still away from target of 30 but intention to have a fellowship and reunion for MBT functional groups various generations. So far we have some confirmed members from KL taking up one of the tables. So if you know of any senior members from the various generations, please contact them and get tickets for them ASAP.
13-Sep - Prize Giving Day (PIC : Loo Leong Kee) Prizes will be given to students from each class for Dhamma Excellence, Teamwork, Best Attendance.
Feedback Interviews for MSPS Staff Classes : Kindy 1, Kindy 2, both Sessions 1 & 2. For detail schedule, please refer to white board at MSPS office. (PIC : Joanne & Pei Chen)
20-Sep - Chanting Competition (PIC : Bro Yong Cheng)
Feedback Interviews for MSPS Staff Classes : Level 1, Level 2 both Sessions 1 & 2. For detail schedule, please refer to white board at MSPS office. (PIC : Joanne & Pei Chen)
27-Sep - Trainee Teachers will sit-in classes (PIC : Joanne & Pei Chen)
Student feedback (PIC : Chin Nee)
04-Oct – Kathina at MBT
Feedback Interviews for MSPS Staff Classes : Level 3, Level 4, 5, 6, Preliminary Year 1, Preliminary Year 2, Junior, Senior, Admin Team, Trg Team, CPR Team, School Assembly Team both Sessions 1 & 2. For detail schedule, please refer to white board at MSPS office. (PIC : Joanne & Pei Chen)
11-Oct - Trainee Teachers will continue to sit-in classes (PIC : Joanne)
Interviews for Trainee Teachers for placement into MSPS organisation (PIC : Surya)
Student Feedback (PIC : Chin Nee)
18-Oct - Trainee Teachers deliver mock classes (PIC : Joanne)
TBD - Kindy Sports Event (PIC : Sis Lee Peck Yong, Mentor : Sis Lilian Sung)
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Upcoming Events
7-July - Vassa commenced on this day. Chanting will be held at night. All are welcome.
09 Aug (Sun) - Visit by Bodhi Lankaram Sunday Dhamma School, Taiping with their resident monk, Anandajoti Bhikkhu. Expected to come in two buses with about 60 participants and are planning to reach the temple by 9.20 a.m. until 12:30 pm. Vegetarian lunch will be hosted for them by MBT. Their Sunday School children aged from three to 13, will be presenting two or three programmes such as Hymn Singing, Choral Speaking and Qi Gong during the Sunday School Assembly slot. (PIC : Sis Pei Chen - CPR team)
23 Aug (Sun) - MSPS Holiday however Parental Class will still continue due to special request by both sessions.
29 & 30 Aug - National Drama Contest in KL (PIC : Sis Siew See) Anyone interested to join as helper, supporters, etc, please contact Michael Lim cydaniellim@yahoo.com, to reserve early.
31-Aug - MBES - Malaysian Buddhist Examination at 2:00 pm (Chief Invigilator : Sis Yeap Siew Har) Please contact Siew Har if you would like to volunteer your services as an Invigilator
Sep 12 - 50 YEARS ANNIVERSARY DINNER for MSPS at Chew Kongsi, 33, Kimberley Street, Penang. 8 course dinner. Please reserve your table early. Tickets will be made available at RM30 per person. For MSPS students who are studying full time in schools, colleges or universities, we will provide a subsidised rate for your tickets at RM20 per person. MSPS student verification guideline would be the MSPS attendance list.
Amplifier setup - Leonard and team,
Slide presentation - Hsien Ming and team,
Ticketing Head - Chin Nee & Chin Chin,
Lucky Draw - Rita Teoh,
Reception - TBD,
Backdrop & Ticket Design - Kwei On.
13-Sep - Prize Giving Day (PIC : TBA)
Feedback Interviews for MSPS Staff Classes : Kindy 1, Kindy 2, both Sessions 1
& 2. For detail schedule, please refer to white board at MSPS office. (PIC :
Joanne & Pei Chen)
20-Sep - Chanting Competition (PIC : Bro Yong Cheng)
Feedback Interviews for MSPS Staff Classes : Level 1, Level 2 both Sessions 1
& 2. For detail schedule, please refer to white board at MSPS office. (PIC :
Joanne & Pei Chen)
27-Sep - Trainee Teachers will sit-in classes (PIC : Joanne & Pei Chen)
Student feedback (PIC : Chin Nee)
04-Oct – Kathina at MBT
Feedback Interviews for MSPS Staff Classes : Level 3, Level 4, 5, 6,
Preliminary Year 1, Preliminary Year 2, Junior, Senior, Admin Team, Trg
Team, CPR Team, School Assembly Team both Sessions 1 & 2. For detail
schedule, please refer to white board at MSPS office. (PIC : Joanne & Pei
11-Oct - Trainee Teachers will continue to sit-in classes (PIC : Joanne)
Interviews for Trainee Teachers for placement into MSPS organisation
(PIC : Surya)
Student Feedback (PIC : Chin Nee)
18-Oct - Trainee Teachers deliver mock classes (PIC : Joanne)
TBD - Kindy Sports Event (PIC : Sis Lee Peck Yong, Mentor : Sis Lilian Sung)
Monday, July 27, 2009
Upcoming Events
7-July - Vassa commenced on this day. Chanting will be held at night. All are welcome.
28 & 29 Jul - (Cancelled due to Bhante is unwell) Dhamma Talks by Bhante Dr. Punnaji (please refer under Dhamma Talks label in this blog for details)
09 Aug (Sun) - Visit by Bodhi Lankaram Sunday Dhamma School, Taiping with their resident monk, Anandajoti Bhikkhu. Expected to come in two buses with about 60 participants and are planning to reach the temple by 9.30-10.00am. Hoping to stay till after the mid-day meal. Lunch to be arranged for them. Their Sunday School children aged from three to 13, will be presenting two or three programmes like Hymn Singing, Choral Speaking and Qi Gong during the Puja slot. (PIC : Sis Pei Chen - CPR team)
23 Aug - MSPS Holiday
29 & 30 Aug - National Drama Contest in KL (PIC : Sis Siew See) Anyone interested to join as helper, supporters, etc, please contact Michael Lim cydaniellim@yahoo.com, to reserve early.
31-Aug - MBES - Malaysian Buddhist Examination at 2:00 pm (Chief Invigilator : Sis Yeap Siew Har) Please contact Siew Har if you would like to volunteer your services as an Invigilator
TBD - Kindy Sports Event (PIC : Sis Lee Peck Yong, Mentor : Sis Lilian Sung)
12-Sep - 50 YEARS ANNIVERSARY DINNER for MSPS at Chew Kongsi, 33, Kimberley Street, Penang. 8 course dinner. Please reserve your table early. Tickets will be made available at RM30 per person. For MSPS students who are studying full time in schools, colleges or universities, we will provide a subsidised rate for your tickets at RM20 per person. MSPS student verification guideline would be the MSPS attendance list. Amplifier setup - Leonard and team, Slide presentation - Hsien Ming and team, Ticketing Head - Chin Nee & Chin Chin, Lucky Draw - TBD, Reception - TBD, Backdrop & Ticket Design - Kwei On.
13-Sep - Prize Giving Day (PIC : TBA)
20-Sep - Chanting Competition (PIC : Bro Yong Cheng)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Dhamma Sermons by Bhante Dr M Punnaji

Speaker’s Profile
Bhante Dr. M. Punnaji Maha Thera is a Buddhist monk from Sri Lanka, of the Theravada tradition. He is a disciple of His Holiness the Madihe Paññasiha, the late Mahanayaka Thera of Vajirarama, Head of the Mihiripanne Dhammarakkhita Amarapura Nikaya. He was ordained at the Bhikkhu Training Centre, Maharagama, in his thirties.
He obtained his training in meditation at the Island Hermitage, Dodanduwa. He studied modern science and Western medicine in Sri Lanka, & he obtained two doctorates while in the United States, one in Western psychology, & another in Western philosophy & comparative religion.
He has made an in-depth research into the original teachings of the Buddha, which he thinks is different from all the modern schools of Buddhism: Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana, including Zen and Pure-land Buddhism. This research was not only academic but also experiential.
He also did research into the form of Buddhist Psychotherapy, which he thinks is the best way to introduce Buddhism to the modern world: As Buddhism, in its original form, was not a mere religion of faith and worship, but a psychological technique of growth and evolution of the human consciousness.
28 Jul (Tue) 8:00 – 9:30 pm
Selected verses from the Mangala Sutta - The Sutta on blessings
29 Jul (Wed) 8:00 – 9:30 pm
Nibbana or Heaven
Lecture Hall
Mahindarama Buddhist Temple
2, Kampar Road
10460 Penang
Monday, July 20, 2009
Training Programs
18 July (Sat) - Commencement of Buddhist Leadership Training Program 1st Module by Sis Lilin on Personality Development & Social Etiquette (Selected Saturday afternoons at 2 - 5 pm, open to teenagers and working adults) Participants from Mahindarama SPS, PFS Buddhist Society, Amata, MBMC, USM Nibong Tebal (PIC : Surya assisted by Bro Michael)
19-July (Sun) - Launch of a new training Program for MENTORS hand-picked from last year's Buddhist Leadership Training Program - participants from Mahindarama SPS & Than Hsiang Buddhist Temple (PIC : Surya assisted by Kai Li & Bee Hui)
Upcoming Events
7-July - Vassa commenced on this day. Chanting will be held at night. All are welcome.
09 Aug (Sun) - Visit by Bodhi Lankaram Sunday Dhamma School, Taiping with their resident monk, Anandajoti Bhikkhu. Expected to come in two buses with about 60 participants and are planning to reach the temple by 9.30-10.00am. Hoping to stay till after the mid-day meal. Lunch to be arranged for them. Their Sunday School children aged from three to 13, will be presenting two or three programmes like Hymn Singing, Choral Speaking and Qi Gong during the Puja slot. (PIC : Sis Pei Chen - CPR team)
23 Aug - MSPS Holiday
29 & 30 Aug - National Drama Contest in KL (PIC : Sis Siew See) Anyone interested to join as helper, supporters, etc, please contact Michael Lim <http://uk.mc259.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=cydaniellim@yahoo.com>, to reserve early.
31-Aug - MBES - Malaysian Buddhist Examination at 2:00 pm (Chief Invigilator : Sis Yeap Siew Har) Please contact Siew Har if you would like to volunteer your services as an Invigilator
TBD - Kindy Sports Event (PIC : Sis Lee Peck Yong, Mentor : Sis Lilian Sung)
12-Sep - 50 YEARS ANNIVERSARY DINNER for MSPS at Chew Kongsi, 33, Kimberley Street, Penang. 8 course dinner. Please reserve your table early. Tickets will be made available at RM30 per person. Amplifier setup - Leonard and team, Slide presentation - Hsien Ming and team, Ticketing Head - Chin Nee, Lucky Draw - TBD, Reception - TBD, Backdrop & Ticket Design - Kwei On.
13-Sep - Prize Giving Day
20-Sep - Chanting Competition (PIC : Bro Yong Cheng)
Malaysian Buddhist Examination - Preliminary Stage Syllabus
•The paper consists of 50 questions of the OBJECTIVE type.
•The questions will be set on the recommended test incorporating the Life of the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha and Buddhist Practices.
1. The Life of the Buddha:
From His Birth to His Enlightenment.
2. The Dhamma and the Suttas:
A knowledge of:
· Tisarana (The Three Refuges).
· Vandana (Homage to the Buddha, the Dhamma ,and the Sangha).
A basic knowledge of:
· Panca Sila (The Five Precepts).
· Dasa kusala Kamma (The Ten Meritorious Actions).
3. The Sangha:
1.Brief biographies of the Arahants: Sariputta, Moggallana, Maha Kassapa, Angulimala, Rahula, Ananda.
1.Buddhism for Beginners: Parts l to lll by Ven. Narada Thera.
The Way to the Buddha: By Ven. Pemaratana Nayaka Thera.
Basic MSPS Students & Parents Expectations
- Respect (Anjali – putting palms together) the members of the Sangha, teachers and elders
- Vandalism of temple and MSPS properties strictly prohibited and may result in being removed from the student record
- Pay homage to the Buddha image, Sima Hall, Buddha’s Relics in Stupa ( back of Sima Hall) and Bodhi tree & respect the peaceful and quiet environment in the Puja hall
- Parents/Guardians & students are to park vehicles in proper parking space for smooth traffic
- Take refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma (teachings of the Buddha) & Sangha(monks) and to practice & uphold the Panca-sila (5 precepts) and the Noble Eight-fold Path with key focus on Right Thoughts, Right Speech & Right Action.
- No fighting, quarrelling and use of foul languages are allowed
- Forbidden to bring comic books, video games, drugs, liquor, cigarettes, playing cards
- Maintain the cleanliness of the classroom, toilets and temple premise.
Sunday School Class Classification
Kindergarten 1 5
Kindergarten 2 6
Level 1 7
Level 2 8
Level 3 9
Level 4 10
Level 5 11
Level 6 12
Preliminary Year 1 13
Preliminary Year 2 14
Junior 15~16
Senior 17~18
Adult 18 & above
Parental Compulsory for parents of new students
(12 weeks of Dhamma Fundamentals)
Note :
These levels are based on completion of the course and the promotion system.e.g. A child who has completed his/her Preliminary level at the age of 13 may be promoted to Junior level the subsequence year
The Making of MSPS & Where We Are Today
Mahindarama Sunday Pali School was the brainchild of Ven. Sri S.V. Pandit Pemaratana Nayaka Maha Thera in his effort to promote Buddhist Education on the 6th September, 1959.
The school is managed by a volunteer team of over 50 with an enrolment of approximately 60 students ranging from age 5 to adults in a total of 23 classes.
The main objectives of the Sunday School are :-
- to study and propagate Buddhism
- to encourage Buddhist youth activities
- to encourage, foster and develop the quality of truth compassion in the practice of the Buddha-Dhamma
- to render assistance to Buddhist organizations where necessary
- to render spiritual assistance / advice to members or any Buddhist in case of sickness and / or death,
- to encourage the study of the Pali language.