Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dhamma Sermons

Now available for download
Dhamma Sermons
Bhante Soorakkulame Pemaratana Thero

Speaker’s Profile
Bhante S. Pemaratana is a Buddhist monk from Sri Lanka. He was ordained at the age of 10 in 1986 and received higher ordination in 1997.

He was trained under the tutelage of the most Ven. Attangane Sasanaratana Maha Thero at Sripathi Pirivena, Diyakalamulla, Kuliyapitiya, Sri Lanka. He holds a Bachelor’s degree with first class honors in Buddhist Studies from University of Peradeniya and a Master's degree in Philosophy from the National University of Singapore.

He served as a lecturer in the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and Buddhist and Pali College of Singapore. Currently he is the resident teacher at the Pittsburgh Buddhist Center, USA.

Dhamma Sermons by Bhante S Pemaratana held at Mahindarama Buddhist Temple can be downloaded at this link :


9 June 2009 Cultivating the Power of Mind
10 June 2009 Levels of Happiness
11 June 2009 Creating Happiness at Work

Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat

Once again, we are pleased to inform that Venerable Ajahn Brahm has kindly agreed to conduct a Meditation Retreat at Mahindarama Buddhist Temple from 20 Dec 2009 - 29 Dec 2009.

The retreat application form is now available at Mahindarama Buddhist Temple's office. Temple office opening hours are from 9am - 5pm daily except Sat till 1pm and closed on Wednesday.

Response is expected to be overwhelming. Closing date for submitting the duly completed and signed registration form is on 30 October, 2009.

WACANA 2009 - “Educating Tomorrow’s Leaders Today”

The inaugural WACANA 2007 with the theme “Educating Tomorrow’s Leaders Today” and WACANA 2008 with the theme “Buddhist Leadership in Malaysia: Values, Vision, Vitality” have created awareness among the local Buddhist community on the importance of leadership in driving the development of Buddhist education.

This year, Nalanda Institute and the Buddhist Maha Vihara will again jointly organize WACANA 2009, the Annual Buddhist Convention to further discuss pertinent issues affecting the Buddha-Sasana. The Buddhist sangha and laity will discuss various issues centred upon Dhamma propagation in :

Annual Buddhist Convention
“Dhammaduta – Uniting Our Vision, Engaging Our Community”
13 December 2009 . Sunday . 9am – 5pm
Srivijaya Seminar Hall . Level 3 . Nalanda Centre
Sri Serdang . Selangor Darul Ehsan

WACANA 2009 is targeted at Buddhist community leaders, educationists, Dharma propagators, Dharma School teachers and members of the public with interests in this particular field. Participation is by invitation only.

If you are interested in the field of Dhammaduta and would like to participate in WACANA 2009, please submit your application by writing to the Secretariat before 14 November 2009 to obtain invitation to the Convention.

The write-up should include your :
1. name
2. contact numbers
3. correspondence address
4. involvement in Buddhist activities
5. your designation in the Buddhist establishment.

Participation in WACANA 2009 is limited to 100 participants only.