Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dhamma Sermons

Dhamma Sermons
Bhante Dhammavuddho

Speaker’s Profile

Bhante Dhammavuddho Thero is a Malaysian of Chinese descent. He worked as an electrical engineer with the Public Works Department for twelve years before going forth into the homeless life. His interest in religion led him to study the world’s major religions for a few years before meeting the Buddha’s teachings in 1976.

In 1983, he went forth into the homeless life in the Mahayana tradition. He was re-ordained in the Theravada tradition in Thailand three years later. After that he spent about ten years living the solitary lifestyle in quiet places. He has written numerous booklets and articles on Buddhism, eg “Return to the Original Buddha Teachings”, “Message of the Buddha”, “Buddhist Monk’s Precepts”, etc.

In 1998, through donations from his supporters, he founded a 15-acre forest monastery, Vihara Buddha Gotama (website: www.vbgnet.org), just outside the town of Temoh, near Kampar, in the state of Perak. The monastery is mainly for the study of the Suttas (discourses) and Vinaya (monastic discipline), and the practice of meditation, according to the original teachings of the Buddha. It is open to monks and nuns (maechees or anagarinis), and also laymen and laywomen.


Lecture Hall
Mahindarama Buddhist Temple
2, Kampar Road
10460 Penang


22 May (Sat) 2:30 – 4:00 pm
Dependent Origination of Liberation

22 May (Sat) 8:00 – 9:30 pm
History of Buddhism

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Malaysian Buddhist Examination Certification Presentation Ceremony 2010

The results of MBES 2009 examinations were release recently and the certificates will be presented in conjunction with the commencement of Dhamma Teachers' Training Programme 2010 on June 13 at 1:00 pm at Mahindarama Buddhist Temple, Lecture Hall.

Plse confirm your attendance with Sis Liana.

Dhamma Teachers' Training Programme 2010

The Dhamma Teachers' Training Programme 2010 organised by MSPS will commence on June 13, 2010 at 1:00 pm.

The modules include :-
Basic overview of Mahindarama

Using the Jataka Tales to teach the Dhamma in the classroom
Various teaching strategies to impart the Dhamma to the children
Basic chanting for children which cover Vandana; Ti-Sarana; Panca Sila; Ti-Anussati; Metta
Some useful techniques to be creative in the class during teaching
How to teach Life of the Buddha using creative and interesting ways
Using multiple solutions and creativity to accelerate learning process
Basic knowledge to run and manage school activities
Necessary teaching material for learning, learning objectives, evaluate personal teaching practice vs objectives, prescriptive feedback
Use multiple teaching strategies versus single method. Comprehend music and create appropriate learning environment

For details, please refer to Sis Margaret Cheong

Upcoming events in conjunction with 2010 Vesak at Mahindarama

23 May -
Pindapata in conjunction with Vesak Day celebrations will be held at Mahindarama Buddhist Temple commencing 9:30 am.  As usual, members of the Sangha led by our Chief Rev Indra would make 2 rounds of the temple grounds with their alms bowl where devotees can offer food items.  MSPS students of session 2 will be required to come in by 10:00 am to have an opportunity to participate.

28 May -
Mahindarama will be participating in the Vesak procession which starts at CRC.  Devotees wanting to join can sign up at the helpdesk to get details of time, meeting place, etc.  Mahindarama is Number 27 at the procession this year.  For MSPS students, teachers will give out permission slips to be signed by parents/guardians to be submitted prior to the procession.  For details, plse refer to Project Leader : Yeoh Yong Cheng.

28 May -
M.O.D. Vesak SingAlong1 (Hymns) CD Album will  be available at MSPS booth, check it out

28 May -
The collective efforts with a concert The Sound of Compassion which  brought together famed Buddhist singing groups like i-gemz, Messengers of Dhamma (MOD), D2Y Choir Group, Choir of Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Bodhi and many others at the HGH Convention Centre, Sentul, Kuala Lumpur, on 18 April 2010 at 7.00pm in this major fund-raising event were recorded and the Sounds of Compassion Concert DVD will be available for sale at MSPS booth, to raise funds for future disasters

1D1N 8-preceptors meditation Retreat

A total of 22 participants attended this retreat held on May 1 to May 2 (morning) at Mahindarama Buddhist Temple.   Thanks to the volunteers who assisted in this project, the participants a combination of beginners, experienced meditators and ocassional meditators had an opportunity to calm down and experience guided sitting meditation, walking meditation, metta bhavana and  listen to a  Dhamma Sermon on "How to use Meditation in Daily Life" whilst observing the 8 precepts.  The group interview sessions conducted by the Meditation Master Bhante Pannyavaro of Sydney with his decades of meditation experience and knowledge served well to the variety of questions from the participants on the uncertainties to be clarified. 

The support team included :-
Prior to event :
Name Tags : Alicia Toh
Camp handbook : Surya

Housekeeping of domitories : Siew Choo & Mrs Lim  assisted by : Jayson, Stuart, Angie, Joanne Loh, Karen Loh
F & B : Siew Choo & team

Actual Day :
Reception & Check-in Boo Hock, Angie, Ms Goh Chey Hwang
Kapiyya (morning shift) : Jayson Chong
Kapiyaa (afternoon shift) : Neoh (participant)
Meal Contemplation :  Boo Hock
Interview Sessions Khoo Boo Hock, Angie, Ooi Ai Hwei, Ms Goh Chey Hwang, Kim
Dhamma Sermon : Pei Chen, Christopher, Jesline, Boo Hock & Ai Hwei
Overnight duty : Jastin Fong & Surya
Morning Duty : Boo Hock, Hock Chye & Jesline together with F&B team

ALERT WORKSHOP at Penang on May 8 & 9, 2010

Thanks to Bro Sunny Foong of Mahindarama Sunday Pali School as the Organising Chairman of the ALERT WORKSHOP assisted by his able team which included Sis Lye Yue Jing, Sis Lim Lay Bee, Bro Ch'ng Gim Teik, Sis Mee Li, Sis Ooi Ai Hwei, Sis Cheah Bee Hui, Sis Goay Gnoh, Sis Esther Ooi, Sis Seok Wan, Bro Peter Saw, Bro Chih Chiang, Bro Boo Hock (sorry can't remember all the names) this workshop attracted almost 200 participants and was successful in creating awareness on how to be ready and prepared in case of an emergency e.g. natural disaster. Speakers shared theory and hands-on activities to allow experiential learning.

Sessions included : 
Day 1
Spirituality in Times of Crisis by Venerable Mahinda, Spiritual Director, Aloka Foundation
Living & Survival Skills I by Mr James Attygalle, Petaling B Rovers Troop
Community In Action by Ms Eriko Motoyama , Committee of Bukit Antarabangsa Resident Association
Psychological First Aid by Ms Low Mi Yen, Clinical Psychologist
 Living & Survival Skills II by Mr James Attygalle, Petaling B Rovers Troop

Day 2
Triage Management by The Malaysian Red Crescent Penang Branch
Environmental Hard Facts by Mr Ivan Ho, Bandar Harapan Consultant
The Next Step - What Can YOU Do? by Venerable Mahinda, Spiritual Director, Aloka Foundation

To all Mahindarama Buddhist Temple functional groups, stay tuned for a locally tailored programme on readiness to announced later this year.